
Admin Archives

March 10, 2002

What is this?

A new blog. Everyone else is doing it, right? Like many others, I was inspired by Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit to share my thoughts with the world. The plan is to feature commentary on the world from a libertarian perspective, but more importantly from an "anti-idiotarian" perspective. (I believe the term was invented by the esteemed Mr. Reynolds.) That means that stupidity is the real target, whether it comes from the right or left, the U.S. or Europe, politicians or the media. But especially the media.

March 13, 2002

Blogger has been down

More updates later.

September 4, 2003

Is it just my computer?

Is it just me or are the "comments" part of this page not working? If they are working, sorry, I haven't been able to read them for about a week so I haven't been able to respond to anything said there. And, if they're not working, well, I don't know how you'll be able to leave a comment to tell me so.

September 5, 2003

Actually, it's John Ashcroft, out to get you.

To answer Partha's question -- though the answer can be found elsewhere now -- it's not just Partha's computer. YACC, who provides our commenting service, is down, and will be down through the weekend. I would do something about substituting another service for YACC, but we're planning some big changes behind the scenes which will be unveiled shortly and make it unnecessary, so I see no great urgency to act right now. So if you want to complain about something Partha wrote (and who doesn't?) you'll have to respond to us via email.

September 8, 2003

Watch this space

Hey, everybody, Jumping To Conclusions is moving here, very shortly. A few minor bugs to work out, and we'll be here. So don't touch that dial. Wait right here.

Update: thanks to the efforts of an intrepid young Nieporent, we're up and running now. So keep watching this space.

September 26, 2003

Happy New Year

Blogging is going to be on hiatus this weekend -- at least by me; my co-bloggers might have something to contribute -- because of the holiday. L'Shanah Tovah everyone. See you next year.

October 14, 2003

Don't change that channel

Posting has been a little slow lately, because I was away for the weekend and then my $*$%$%# DSL was out yesterday. As Gray Davis always says, I'll be back.

July 27, 2004

Where's David?

If you're wondering why blogging has been so light recently, this might provide a clue:


Sniff. Will start again soon.

October 12, 2004

Hold your horses

Blogging may be a little light for the next two days because there appears to be something wrong with our telephone line, and the Evil Phone Company thinks it's no big deal if we just spend a few days with no phone service before they get around to sending someone out to fix it.

So if you want some more exciting and insightful commentary, you'll just have to wait.

June 10, 2005

Testing... 1... 2... 3...

New server. Testing to see whether it works. If you're reading this, it did.

July 1, 2005

Testing 1..2..3..

Sigh. Sometimes I hate computers.

About Admin

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Jumping To Conclusions in the Admin category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Baseball is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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