Main | Any regrets? »


Hello, people. If you're looking for our old website, it's here. But we'll begin moving over to this new system, and hopefully we'll be able to keep it up.


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Comments (3)


Glad you are changing to a blog format. I am adding you to my blogroll and hopefully you will have plenty of updates. Here is hoping you all much success.


Nice to see you guys back. The O's fan base deserves more than just the Hangout (who hasn't gotten any better, only bigger) and the Belfry to read...and you guys could be, as far as I know, the only decent O's blog, as we don't plan to change our own format, though we've looked at ADDING a blog-type feature at times.

Again, good to have you back.

bob, Birds in the Belfry

Bob, thanks for the kind words. We'll do our best.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 4, 2004 8:46 PM.

The next post in this blog is Any regrets?.

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