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But at least we've kept a team out of Washington, right?

From an interview with baseball prospect guru extraordinaire John Sickels:

MN: Picture 2007: Matt Clement, Bronson Arroyo, Jon Papelbon, John Lester, Abe Alvarez. What do you think of that with run support that is slightly less than it is now in Boston?

JS: I think the Sox are well-positioned for the next few years, certainly. There should be some barnburner races with the Yankees, and heck, maybe even the Blue Jays and Devil Rays. The only team in that division that really has no chance to be interesting in the near future is the Orioles.

(Emphasis added.) Not that it takes an expert on the minor leagues to figure that out.


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Comments (2)

I'm just glad you didn't attack that statement like some of the other Orioles' fans have.


Like me? ;)


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