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Google.com has a new fun element... "googlisms." Basically, you search someone's name, the google spider looks for it and the computer tells you what, from the web-pages out there, what that person is like. To see what blogger Brad Delong's googism is, check out here. To test it, I checked under my old friend/boss/guru Robert Hemenway, the current Chancellor of the University of Kansas; googlism finds the following:

robert hemenway is the sixteenth chancellor of the university of kansas
robert hemenway is quoted in the october 23
robert hemenway is back at work while recuperating from surgery to have his prostate removed
robert hemenway is sponsoring the wheat state whirlwind faculty tour of kansas
robert hemenway is the host of the reception
robert hemenway is a perfect example
robert hemenway is part of the council
robert hemenway is expected to make a decision in the next month about whether or not to continue allowing alcohol at tailgate parties at memorial
robert hemenway is wrong when he says "tea cake accepts janie as an equal"
robert hemenway is taking steps to ensure that ku's new athletics director will have a comprehensive study of
robert hemenway is on the side of tradition

Okay, so far, so good, it all makes sense. That's what I'd expect to find for Bob Hemenway. I don't know what "tea cake accepts janie as an equal," but, whatever.

If we check out the host of this page and my blog partner, David Nieporent, we get:

david nieporent is one of the most prolific posters to the rec
david nieporent is an extremely dedicated fan
david nieporent is the nom de plume of syd thrift
david nieporent is right that almost all baseball players have a solid work ethic and good "intangibles" in general

Okay, still good. Daivd may disagree, but from what I know, there's no problem; he's a baseball fan and googlism reflects that. I think the Syd Thrift one refers to a tongue-in-cheek comment David must have written sometime back about the baseball executive (although, the truth be known, I'm kinda a fan of Thrift... I think he did a great job when he was the GM of the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1980s... yet another thing David and I disagree on, I suppose.)

The problem comes when you googlism me. Googlism produces just one line:

partha mazumdar is said to have also suffered a bullet injury on his leg.

Huh? Bullet injury? Leg? What's it talking about?


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