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It must be the fault of the United States. Everything is.

Remember all that angst on the left over George Bush's arrogant unilateralism pertaining to the International Criminal Court? How come we don't hear similar complaints with regard to obstructionism by a country that actually needs such war crimes trials?

After nine months, the United Nations revived plans yesterday for an international trial for the surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge. They are charged with genocide and gross human rights violations in the deaths of more than one million Cambodians in the 1970's.

But the resolution that ultimately passed in a key committee had been watered down to meet Cambodia's approval.


The measure also notes with approval a new Cambodian law that insists that Cambodia's ill-trained and corrupt courts have the final say in the proceedings, rather than the United Nations.

Yeah, who could have seen that one coming? Who could foresee that Cambodia would stall and delay and then allow farcical trials only?

This is why President Bush is right to oppose American participation in the I.C.C. There will always be a double standard, with Americans being expected to go along with whatever international bureaucrats come up with. Meanwhile, countries with no real respect for human rights, the ones actually breaking the rules, will get a free pass, because after all, you can't demand too much of them.


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