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You think there's any connection?

Two stories seen this week. The dismal results of a National Geographic survey that was just released:

Young Americans may soon have to fight a war in Iraq, but most of them can't even find that country on a map, the National Geographic Society said Wednesday.

The society survey found that only about one in seven -- 13 percent -- of Americans between the age of 18 and 24, the prime age for military warriors, could find Iraq. The score was the same for Iran, an Iraqi neighbor.

and, from a New York Times story on new NCAA requirements:
He said that SUNY-Buffalo's president, William Greiner, had made increasing football attendance, and remaining in Division I-A, a university-wide priority.

"When you look at the peer universities that we measure ourselves against academically, you look to see what is missing here, and about 90 percent of our aspiring peers are strong in athletics," Vecchio said. "We are already there academically, but a lot of people don't find out about Michigan's science program or its tremendous fine arts program until they have learned about it through football or basketball."

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