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So that's his excuse

The Nation reported a few months ago that various pro-Palestinian activists were being harassed electronically, often by people sending out phony emails designed to look like they came from these activists.

Even celebrated MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky, outspoken critic of Israeli policies toward Palestine, has been hit. "There is an awful lot of stuff going out in my name that's totally insane and that I haven't written," the professor complained.
Some straight lines are just too easy.


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Comments (6)


Sorry, but I just can't resist commenting on it.

Even celebrated MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky, outspoken critic of Israeli policies toward Palestine, has been hit. "There is an awful lot of stuff going out in my name that's totally insane and that I haven't written," the professor complained.

So, dear professor, how do we tell the difference between those articles and all of the totally insane articles that you have written?

Noam Chomsky:

People who post on the Internet pretending to be me are scum!

Noam Chomsky:

Rael is coming to take me away in his space ship!

Noam Chomsky:

What does the color blue taste like?

Noam Chomsky:

I am the lizard queen!!!


Hi I found a thing to type in so I'm typing in it. I like oobleck. It is green.


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