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In this week's issue of Newsweek, Gersh Kuntzman writes about Beyonce Knowles: "although if you ask me, the only controversy is how come [Beyonce] doesn’t take off all her clothes already because, clearly, this is the actual product she is selling, and to remain clothed amounts to a particularly frustrating form of false advertising."

I think he should get a copy of Beyonce's new song, "Crazy in Love." I'm not a big Top 40 fan -- in fact, I'm not even a small Top 40 fan -- but this song is incredible.

This young woman has talent and is selling much more than skin. If you don't approve of what she did at Grant's Tomb, that's fair, and criticize her for that. But, don't say that she's just a stripper, because she's not. Her music is sophisticated, interesting, and smokingly hot.


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Comments (2)


Talented, maybe. I'm not a particular fan and I think "Crazy in Love" sucks, but to each his own. In any case, I think you give her too much credit Partha. Sex is ingrained in popular music today and it's part of what Beyonce sells. Hey, even Liz Phair sells sex(or well she at least used to...and did it better than Beyonce I might add). Beyonce is at least part-stripper.


I do like "Crazy In Love", and I've really enjoyed more Destiny's Child songs than I probably should admit. But I'm all for Beyonce getting naked. It's possible to like the music *and* the body.


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