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Now it's getting dirty

Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry has accused fellow candidate Howard Dean of being a New York Yankees fan.

Even with the low level of our recent political discourse, that's a low blow. Senator Kerry should apologize.


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Comments (2)


rules for being a true fan

of all teams, the yankees and the red sox?!? you really can't just switch from those two teams. they're complete opposites and the fans are bred to hate each other.

i wasn't a huge dean proponent to begin with since i don't think he's a bankable candidate for the dems, but either way, i just lost a lot of respect for him.


Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry has accused fellow candidate Howard Dean of being a New York Yankees fan. Even with the low level of our recent political discourse, that is a low blow. Senator Kerry should apologize...."

But Hillary is a life-long Yankee Fan!


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