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As we remember those horrible events of two years ago, it's also appropriate to remember how the rest of the world reacted to 9/11/2001.

We weren't always alone. Or, I suppose, to be perfectly accurate, alone with the British and the Ubeckestanis.


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Comments (2)


Partha, give it a rest. For some reason, I am not in the mood to hear your crap today! Unlike you, we don't want to play the role of the victim.

Or, I suppose, to be perfectly accurate, alone with the British and the Ubeckestanis.

Only the Brits and the Ubeckestanis? What is it with you that makes you constantly lie in public? Do you have a Clinton complex?


Partha, give it a rest. For some reason, I am not in the mood to hear your crap today! Unlike you, we don't want to play the role of the victim.

Whatever, Richard.

I never ever advocated us playing the role of victim. Never. Leader, on the other hand, yeah.

Only the Brits and the Ubeckestanis? What is it with you that makes you constantly lie in public?

I'm quite aware that there is a "coalition." (With our "real friends" like Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, and Georgia.

It's, however, called satire.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2003 3:21 PM.

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