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People Blog The Darndest Things

If the Bible were written today, the story of the Good Samaritan would include his blogging his nice deeds of the day. (We'd also have the First Blog of Paul to the Ephesians, but that's besides the point). Here's an email from a reporter friend of mine:

I was at an assignment last Thursday night (Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey of MTV "Newlyweds" fame). I drove a company van, left my workbag (which I shouldn't have brought) in the passenger seat, went into an event from 7 to 9:30 p.m. I came out and well, noticed a glint of glass in the front seat and quickly figured out I'd been robbed!Some guy (I'm assuming it was a guy) did a smash and grab, breaking the company vehicle's passenger window and taking my bag. I called 911 -- like they cared! They said someone would call me back eventually (they did... eventually).

Anyway, fortunately, nothing of value was in my bag except to me and even then, nothing serious. The worst was something of sentimental value: my address book circa 1990 which I hardly used. I figured the bag was history.

But while in Chicago the next day, I got a call from some guy named Dusty who... found my bag! I luckily had my cel phone bill in a side pocket and he called my number.

Anyway, when I came to pick up my bag Monday evening, he had left already but his girlfriend (and secretary) was still there. She told me he wrote about finding my bag in his blog (the story is on the bottom half of his entry)


It's hilarious! Anyway, I wanted to give him a gift certificate in front of the restaurant he found it (ESPNZone) but ESPNZone was having a private party and not giving out gift cards. So I stuck $30 in an envelope with a note and gave it to his girlfriend. A happy ending. The only thing stolen that I could fathom? A roll of stamps. He's set for Christmas, I guess... :)

I saw him Saturday at a wedding after he had his bag stolen, but before he knew someone had found it. So I'm happy there was a happy ending. Sadly for the blogger, though, my friend is not a spy and does not have access to a hovercraft. (Although it's possible that he is a spy and I just don't know about it. But he'd better not be keeping a hovercraft from me!)


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