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Those parties sound like fun!

Over at the National Review, we read the two following statements about the Wilson/Novak affair:

From Jonah Goldberg: "Wilson's wife is a desk jockey and much of the Washington cocktail circuit knew that already."

From Clifford D. May: "That wasn't news to me. I had been told that — but not by anyone working in the White House. Rather, I learned it from someone who formerly worked in the government and he mentioned it in an offhand manner..."

So, at these cocktail parties in Washington, we're supposed to believe, people gossip about "desk jockies." Considering that there are hundreds of thousands of so-called desk jockies in Washington, these parties must be a hoot! If May and Goldberg are to be believed, I'm imagining parties with conversations that go something like this:

May: I heard the other day that Jane Doe over at HUD is now buying her office stationary at Staples.

Goldberg: Doesn't she know that she's not at the NIH? EVERYBODY who is anybody at HUD buys their stationary at Office Depot!

May: When will these desk jockies ever learn?

Goldberg: I don't know, Cliff, I don't know. Did you hear about John Doe over at Commerce? Yeah, he didn't get his GS-8 promotion, so he's thinking of applying for a transfer to Veterans Affairs!

May: Wow! Wait until Rich hears about this!!!!! I've GOT to tell him.

I'm moving to Washington in a month. I was excited about it until I leared from Goldberg and May that this is what the social scene is like.


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Presumably not many of those "hundreds of thousands" of people are married to U.S. Ambassadors.


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