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Glenn Reynolds notes an article in the NY Times about anti-Bush messages creeping into prime-time entertainment television shows. But the prime example in the article is perhaps not as anti-Bush as it might first appear:

But the season finale of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on HBO arguably best conveyed the growing sentiment. On that episode, the main character, played by the comedian Larry David, backed out of a dalliance sanctioned by his wife after noticing that his prospective paramour had lovingly displayed a picture of Mr. Bush on her dresser.

That paramour is Broadway star Cady Huffman, playing "herself". I haven't yet seen the episode (I have it taped), so I don't quite know the context of the above example, but I've watched the show enough to know that its main message always seems to be "whatever Larry David does, a normal person would do the opposite". My wife and I are somewhat distressed whenever we find ourselves agreeing with his character.

And context or no context, Larry David's character is simply objectively wrong here. If you've ever seen Cady Huffman play Ulla in "The Producers", you'll know what I mean - given my wife's permission, I'd sleep with Cady even if she had Saddam Hussein's picture on the nightstand. (Maybe not if Saddam Hussein himself were on the nightstand, but it'd be close.)

Be that as it may, if the point of the episode is that being a Republican means that Larry David won't have sex with you, then Curb Your Enthusiasm is possibly the most pro-Republican show on television outside of Hannity and Colmes.

UPDATE: Having just seen the episode, I still maintain that it was a poor example to illustrate the article's point. In backing out of the dalliance, Larry David's character (as he so often does) comes across as kind of a jerk. In fact, in the very next scene, Larry's manager Jeff (often the voice of reason) berates him with the best line in the episode: "How could you be so stupid? I'd f*** her if she was wearing a Bush mask!" (Later, a clearly angry - but still hot - Cady elbows him painfully in the ribs on stage.)

Larry David may be a flaming liberal, but at least he has a sense of humor about it.


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