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You've got to be kidding me

Read this AP story about the investigation into allegations of rampant and criminal mismanagement at the Air Force Academy where dozens of female cadets have claimed to have been raped and the Academy responded with little assistance excepting punishing the women.

In the first sentence we read that TESSA is "the region's main civilian rape crisis center." Later we read that an Air Force team went to Colorado Springs to investigate the situation, spending 10 days on site.

But they did not go to TESSA or contact TESSA (where at least 38 of the female cadets went for assistance) because the investigators "were unaware of the center's existence during their first visit."

You've got to be kidding me. It makes one wonder what this team actually did for those 10 days. Who did they talk to? Did they ask *any* questions? (Like, for instance: "What would be a good place in the area to learn more about what happened?" or "Who in this area would be a good resource on this matter?")


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It makes one wonder what this team actually did for those 10 days.

I believe that got their training from the UN Iraqi weapons inspection team.


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