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Mea culpa

Oh well. I was convinced that Osama Bin Laden was dead. Apparently I was mistaken. I said that I'd believe it when I saw it, and I guess now that he has put out a new video, I've seen it.

Oh, well.

October surprise? Does Al Qaeda have to report this to the Federal Elections Commission as a corporate campaign contribution to John Kerry?

Hey, I just thought of something: the same time Yasser Arafat has "health problems" and has to be rushed away to the hospital, Osama Bin Laden appears. Coincidence? I think not. Has anybody seen these two people in the same place at the same time?


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Comments (5)

How *convenient* that the video is released now. Any proof it was recent?


You fellas seem to be the only conservatives who think this will help Kerry.


Yeah, now that Kerry has the crucial Bin Laden endorsement, he's a shoo-in.


I think not. Has anybody seen these two people in the same place at the same time?

I think a better comparison is with a certain presidential candidate. They are the same height and they have the same opinion of President Bush. In fact, they both made the same criticism of Bush that he was reading to the elementary school students while the 9/11 attack was going on.


"You fellas seem to be the only conservatives who think this will help Kerry."

Ha, yeah but do pundits really know how voters will take this? Unless it's just a feedback loop and the voters will react however the pundits say they will.

And I don't really see Mr. Nieporent as a conservative. He seems to be sort of balanced. Mr. Dutton on the other hand is indeed a conservative.


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