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Three words:


(Yes, DSL is back. But this is why I haven't been blogging much lately. Some things are more important than presidential elections and bad reporting.)


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» A true Yankee hater from Commonwealth Conservative
I've known for some time that David at Jumping to Conclusions was a true Yankee hater. As proof, look at this post. I know I'm a little late on this, but I just checked his blog, and I was amused by that post. BTW, I'm cheering for the Cardina... [Read More]

Comments (6)


Worst choke ever? Au contraire, the Red Sox have had plenty of chokes that lasted way longer than 4 games.

Win this World Series - and then 25 more - and then we'll talk.

Average Dave:

Shouldn't that say BEST. CHOKE. EVER.?

Average Dave: Heh.

Peter: That would be a more biting response if I were a Red Sox fan. I'm not; I'm just a Y*nk** hater.

Average Dave:

Aren't we all? "Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel."


does it even matter anymore? it's like someone from espn wrote, the yankees are evil empire A and boston now is evil empire B. i think it's funny that boston has bought its way to success, just as the yankees did. hey, and if the mets didn't stink, they'd be right up there with them.

i think you're up to 5 readers for this blog.

"Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel."

So I'm pro-business. Sue me :-)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 20, 2004 11:55 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Team America.

The next post in this blog is Mea culpa.

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