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Team America

David Edelstein is unhappy about Team America: World Police, and explains exactly why in his review's subtitle:

The puppets of Team America skewer the right. If only they'd stopped there.

Yes, of course. Can't have any left-skewering, now can we? Well, anyway, Eugene Volokh has been pointing out some, but not all, of the review's inaccuracies. The most glaring one being:

But after Team America destroys the Panama Canal

That's simply incorrect. The terrorists destroyed the canal. It was the group of blinkered Hollywood liberals portrayed in the movie who blamed Team America. And that was a clear parody of a common liberal mindset of "whatever happens, it's America's fault". As demonstrated, in unparodic form, by David Edelstein.

Another inaccuracy in the review was this statement:

Hey, this anti-Bush liberal has no problem in principle with both sides getting skewered.

Whether he has no problem with it "in principle", the review shows that he has a real problem with it in reality.

Anyway, my problem with the movie was that it wasn't really laugh-out-loud funny. But it was amusing enough to be worth seeing, as long as you're not an easily offended or humorless person of any political persuasion.


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